Our story

In 2015 our founder Amy Ainomugisha – de Jong came to Uganda for the first time in 2015. She fell in love with the people, most especially the people with disabilities, also mentioned as people with Special Needs, and their families. She observed the need of support to the whole family surrounding the person with a disability, because not only the person with a disability is in need of Joy, Love and Hope – their families also are.

A time of preparation, networking, discovering God’s calling and raising support followed and in june 2021 she started living permanently in Uganda to lead the organisation called Special Joy Mission Uganda. Because we believe in Joy for and from people with Special Needs ánd their families.

About us

Special Joy Mission Uganda is a ministry for people with Special Needs and their families in Uganda. Special Joy started because we saw a need to encourage and support people with special needs (disabilities) and their families.  We work with all sorts of disabilities and help in all sorts of ways, whatever support is needed for that particular person with disabilities and his/her family, the need, potential and resources of each person with disabilities and his/her family varies and that’s why we work with customization. We have worked in Uganda since 2021 and since then the project activities have grown and expanded.


“A joyful ministry among people with special needs and their families, founded in Love Itself (God).”

We believe in a Joyful and Loving society for and from people with Special Needs and their families in Uganda. We believe in transformation – Transformation with God, with themselves, with people around them, and with the world: practical, spiritual, emotional, medical, relational and educational.


To Love people with special needs and their families as Jesus does, and to support, encourage and empower them, in every way possible, to aim for a more Joyful life for them and from them. To advocate in society and in church, and spread awareness about the types of disability and their abilities instead.
