Brian's story

With Brian there was a delay while giving birth and there was need to use the vacuum pump which caused Brain damage and microcephaly. His skull is as big as that of a 10 month old baby so his brain is very small. Despite that give fact, he has taught himself so much! He loves people, he is able to learn, he loves helping out, and he is always happy. Knowing that his brain is that of a 10 month old baby, we are so proud of Brian when we see what he achieves in life and how he handles life! He is and should be a big example to everyone he meets.

When the mother saw that he was disabled, she left him. Unfortunately the father had passed on so the grandparent took him over. When the grandparent could no longer take care of him, he was given to the aunty who has been with him up to today. We think that Brian is around 19 years now, nobody is sure about his exact age.

As Special Joy Mission Uganda we have taken Brian to school, but we realized that we also need to get a vocational, practical training for him, so that’s in progress right now. We also took Brian to a specialized hospital where we were advised to do an EEG to see if he has epilepsy. We realized he gets seizures that keep pushing back his growth and development in school. However the EEG didn’t show that there was epilepsy, but according to the doctor sometimes the EEG doesn’t show it in that moment. He is still under medical attention. Knowing the age of his brain we realized that he has done really well in life, because he hasn’t gotten attention of for example schools. What he does in life is all self-taught. Brian loves people and he is always out on the streets with people. He is helping with coordinating the traffic jam, and when he is done he goes back home in the evening
